Meet our tutors

Our tutors are medical students who have excelled in the application process and gained admission to prestigious medical schools. They bring firsthand experience and valuable insights to their tutoring sessions, ensuring that each student receives personalised support tailored to their unique journey.

Krista Joseph

Hi, I’m a final-year medical student at the University of Sunderland. I’m passionate about helping future medical students craft compelling personal statements and excel in interviews because I’ve been through the process myself and understand how important it is to stand out. My goal is to share my experience and insights to help others succeed in their medical school applications!

Joshua Joseph

Hi, I’m a fourth-year medical student at Newcastle University. Having gone through the demanding application process, I’m passionate about helping future medical students succeed. I understand the pressure of writing personal statements and preparing for interviews, so I’m here to share what I’ve learned and support others in their journey to medical school.

Ready to Start Your Medical School Journey?

Reach out to us today to receive comprehensive support for your application process.